Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ads that analyze and target its audience

Till today, people go for various offers and analyze them and choose the one that suits you. But now its time for an ad that stares back at you when you glance at it, analyzes you, your age, sex etc and shows you the offer which its analysis suggests will hook you.

That's what Immersive Labs, a New York City startup launching this week, is trying to do. They've created a prototype of a system that allows ads to analyze their viewers. The software they attach to digital billboards tracks everything from viewers demographic profiles, their age, gender, and estimated attention span to how many people they're with and how long they spend viewing the ad.

Walking by a billboard on a chilly day? You might see a hot beverage advertisement. On a stroll with your significant other? That same billboard might instead show you date-themed movies.

It's all part of an effort to personalize ads and make them smarter and the real focus in this effort is to put artificial intelligence so that ads can learn and improve over time. The technology will be getting smarter with time and learning, evolving itself day by day.

Immersive Labs isn't the first to explore the interactive frontier. In Germany, if viewers check-in on Foursquare to a GranataPet billboard, the ad will dispense dog food, giving dogs a taste of their product. And in Japan, NEC has tested out advertising billboards with embedded facial-recognition technology.

So get ready for a digital sexier and smarter advertisement system next to your doorsteps in couple of years.

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