Yesterday, the search engine's home page logo was converted into a slightly odd-shaped, but fully working virtual guitar to commemorate the 96th birthday of guitar legend Les Paul, who died in 2009. With this Google's Doodle you can play your own tune and even record them. You can also share your finished masterpiece with others just by sending them the link.
Unfortunately the record and playback function doesn't work in all countries but you can still play songs in real time, which is much easier if you use the hidden keyboard controls. Just click the button, whether it looks like a record button or a keyboard, and start typing. It can be a livening stuff to bring you out from the office boredom and you would love to try some of the tunes which may come out by typing your name or your friend's name or even for more fun you can try typing your employer's mission statement and listen to the tune that comes out.
Ever worried why does Google do things like this on each such occasion? Partly because it's fun. And partly because it's excellent marketing. Millions of people will encounter this today, and start messing with it instead of doing their actual work. That's a cool marketing strategy, isn't it?
And if you find this an interesting stuff from Google, click here to check out the history of Google Doodle's.
Unfortunately the record and playback function doesn't work in all countries but you can still play songs in real time, which is much easier if you use the hidden keyboard controls. Just click the button, whether it looks like a record button or a keyboard, and start typing. It can be a livening stuff to bring you out from the office boredom and you would love to try some of the tunes which may come out by typing your name or your friend's name or even for more fun you can try typing your employer's mission statement and listen to the tune that comes out.
Ever worried why does Google do things like this on each such occasion? Partly because it's fun. And partly because it's excellent marketing. Millions of people will encounter this today, and start messing with it instead of doing their actual work. That's a cool marketing strategy, isn't it?
And if you find this an interesting stuff from Google, click here to check out the history of Google Doodle's.
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