Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Obama's call to his countrymen against outsourcing

Presenting a new economic blueprint with a purpose to take away US from outsourcing, debt and bogus profits. Obama reminded of the economic weakened because of outsourcing earlier and gives a clear sign of taking away the country from outsourcing, emphasizing on an economy built on American manufacturing, American energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of American values. 

Elaborating his stand, he stated, "No debate is more important. We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well, while a growing number of Americans barely get by." Given the two choice, the president prefer to choose the later one where every American gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules. 

Opposing the convention of outsourcing, Obama said to his countrymen that without outsourcing America will be a country where we will be in control of our own energy, and our security and prosperity will not be so tied to unstable parts of the world. An economy built to last, where hard work will be paid off, and responsibility will be rewarded. Job opportunities will be created for everyone and there will be no more economic crisis.

He also reminded in his speech about why the US is the leader of the world, a country that leads the world in educating its people, a country that attracts a new generation of high-tech manufacturing and high-paying jobs.

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