Saturday, April 16, 2011

Twitter wings getting clipped off

Twitter, which has been doing tremendously well in eliminating the barrier between celebrities and their huge fans. It has offered an online platform to the entire world the fans, the followers and the supporters. It has offered a wide stage to the celebrities, the politicians, the top business leaders and all other popular personalities. Undoubtedly, it has become the most popular among all those people who loves to share updates about them for their publicity in the best way possible. Twitter's popularity has made the twitter fly higher and higher in the  world wide web.

But their are issues which are clipping off wings of this tech high flier. The major issues blocking twitter are Boardroom powerplays, disgruntled founders and CEO shuffling. Twitter has a extra-ordinarily talented team of high-tech engineers but the top management really need to look after their collaboration to keep twitter going up in the sky.

Here are a few statistics which shows the setback of twitter in last few months :

The traffic for the most popular facebook is flying over the edge beating once leading MySpace with a large gap, while twitter is falling short and falls in the second last position while we compare the traffics. US traffic to is leveling off.

Not only the traffic but also the average time spent by the user on is falling. 47% of the twitter users are not even active on the service and they are no longer using twitter. The average time of users visiting twitter has fallen more than 10% in one year, from 14 minutes to 12.5 minutes.

Not only bad, but there are also some good news for twitter. Twitter usage statistics shows that the sensational micro-blogging site is most popular amongst the tech-savvies. And the users are not only concentrated in US. In fact 70% are from outside US. Statistics also shows that, 50% of the active twitter users prefer using it on more than one platform and some of the users (around 25%) are tweeting on a wide scale making 90% of the worldwide tweets.

Twitter still holds a very strong position over the web and is popular among leading personalities like Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, Amitabh Bachchan and several others. They just need to look after their top management strategies and the corporate stability to keep rising up and make twitter what they would have thought years back.

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